Pre-Election Audit of Memory Cards for the August 2008 Connecticut Primary Elections

The Center for Voting Technology Research (VoTeR Center) at the School of Engineering of the University of Connecticut performed a pre-election audit of the memory cards for the AccuVote Optical Scan tabulators that were used in the August 2008 Connecticut Primary Elections. The cards were programmed by LHS Associates of Methuen, Massachusetts. The districts covered by this pre-election audit included all 185 districts participating in the elections. The VoTeR Center received in total 185 memory cards before the elections to be audited. The memory cards were shipped by LHS directly to the VoTeR Center. This document reports on the findings obtained as the result of the audit. Among the 185 cards received and tested by the VoTeR Center, 175 cards (94.6%) were found to have been properly programmed for election. These cards contained valid ballot data and the executable code on these cards was the expected code, with no extraneous data or code on the cards. The remaining 10 cards, or 5.4%, were found to contain “junk” data, that is, they did not contain usable data. Such cards are detected by the tabulators to be unusable, thus they could not have been used in the election. The audit was performed on request of the Office of the Secretary of the State.

Full report: audit0808pre

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